Our Team
San Diego Section Organization
AIAA is a worldwide organization that connects over 35,000 aerospace professionals and students. The world is divided up into 7 regions, and within these regions, individual sections plan events for their members. San Diego belongs to Region VI, and serves San Diego and Imperial counties.
Within the AIAA-SD Section, the Council is organized in the following way. The Chair, VP's, Secretary and Treasurer are elected positions, with officers being elected annually. The other positions are volunteer/appointed positions. A list of current council members can be found here.
2024-2025 Council
Nick Candrella
Jim McPherson
Vice Chair - Long Range Planning
Luciano Demasi
Vice Chair - Technical
Stevie Jacobson
Laine D'Augustine
Chris Root
Honors and Awards
RHF Scholarship Coordinator
Rich Kenney
K-12 STEM Outreach
Bryon Lowry
Professional Liaison
Joel Perez
Region VI Delegate
Kevin Burns
History and Bylaws
Mark Anderson
UCSD Faculty Advisor
Pavel Popov
SDSU Faculty Advisor