Award Nominations
Every year, the AIAA San Diego Section selects members of the local community to receive awards for their contributions to AIAA San Diego and the aerospace community. Some awards are open to anyone, but some are limited to AIAA members. A full listing of awards is provided below.
AIAA-SD is currently accepting nominations for 2025. Awardees were recognized at the 2025 Honors and Awards Banquet, to be held in May 2025. For questions, please contact the Honors and Awards Chair, Chris Root, at 619-750-2390 or aeroroot21@gmail.com.
Awards Open to All
Lifetime Achievement
Individual who has made many significant contributions to aerospace engineering over a lifelong career. This award is reserved for seniors who are mostly finished with their career.
Outstanding Achievement by an Aerospace Organization
Local company that has advanced the state of the art of aerospace engineering or has utilized significant technical and/or managerial innovations in a project that has resulted in exceptional accomplishments.
Outstanding Contribution to Aerospace Engineering
Individual who has made significant technical contributions such as the technical direction of engineering projects, developing new products, obtaining patents, pioneering new technologies, conducting fundamental research, etc.
Outstanding Contribution to Aerospace Management
Individual who has made significant accomplishments in the leadership and management of aerospace companies, organizations or projects.
Outstanding Contribution to Aerospace Research
Individual or company that has made significant contributions to expanding the fundamental understanding of the field of aerospace engineering.
Outstanding Contribution to Aerospace Education
An individual or company that has made a significant contribution to the advancement of Aerospace Education. Can be a teacher, volunteer or even a politician.
Outstanding Corporate Contribution to the Community
Aerospace Corporation, Government organization or non-profit that has made significant efforts to outreach to the local community or played a major role supporting activities that benefit the local community. This may include contributions to professional societies, community service organizations, charities, schools, etc.
Outstanding Contribution to the AIAA San Diego Section
Individual or company that has made significant contributions to the San Diego Section through such activities as service to the membership, service to the Section council, supporting section activities, etc.
Outstanding Enhancement of the Image of the Aerospace Profession
Individual or company that has promoted or enhanced the image of the aerospace profession to the general public. This could be through the arts, media or a technical publication.
Awards for AIAA Members Only
Outstanding Contribution to the Community
AIAA member who has played a significant role in community activities outside of AIAA. This may include participation in other societies, community service organizations, charities, schools, etc.
Outstanding Contribution to the AIAA San Diego Section by an AIAA Member
AIAA professional or student member who has made significant contributions to the San Diego Section through such activities as service to the membership, service on or to the Section council, supporting section activities, etc.
Outstanding Contribution to AIAA Region VI
AIAA member who has made significant contributions to the Region VI organization in such areas as conference organization and leadership, technical committee participation, public policy activities, etc.
Outstanding Contribution to AIAA at the National Level
AIAA member who has made significant contributions to AIAA National in such areas as conference organization and leadership, technical committee participation, public policy activities, etc.
Outstanding Educator Associate
AIAA Educator Associate who has made significant contributions to enhancing the education of young people in areas relevant to engineering.
Awards Granted by the Student Chapters
Outstanding Contribution to the AIAA San Diego Student Chapter at UCSD
AIAA member, who is also a member of the Student Chapter, who has made significant contributions to the Student Chapter.
Outstanding Contribution to the AIAA San Diego Student Chapter at SDSU
AIAA member, who is also a member of the Student Chapter, who has made significant contributions to the Student Chapter.