Join us for a fun night of airplanes and art at San Diego’s finest aerospace-themed bar!
Unleash your hidden artistic talent and join other aero-enthusiasts at this first of its kind STEAM event where the “A” for ART will be accentuated. Still life drawings by real art students depicting fruit bowls and flower arrangements are so 19th century. We, the AIAA engineering crowd, prefer artistic renderings of 20th and 21st century aircraft!
Assorted aircraft models will be displayed for you to draw and compete for prizes and a chance to have your aero-themed masterpiece displayed at San Diego’s famous Aero Club Bar.
All necessary art supplies will be provided, we just need you to join in on the fun and come out and meet some novice, intermediate, and advanced San Diego Aerospace professionals.
Event Costs (which include one beer or well drink, and pizza):
AIAA Student members: $5
AIAA members: $10
Non-members and guests: $15
Link to Flyer:
Link to RSVP: