
Benefits of AIAA Membership

See how the Aviation, Space, and Aerospace industry gathers, communicates and networks with an AIAA Membership. Learn more below.

AIAA Membership offers engagement to a thriving aerospace community!

AIAA Membership offers engagement to a thriving aerospace community!

University Student Membership is your connection to aerospace peers on your campus. Nearly 200 campuses worldwide participate in AIAA.

University Student Membership is your connection to aerospace peers on your campus. Nearly 200 campuses worldwide participate in AIAA.

High School Membership unlocks the beginnings of a fruitful aerospace career

High School Membership unlocks the beginnings of a fruitful aerospace career

Unlock Your Curiosity with AIAA

“I suppose the quality in an astronaut more powerful than any other is curiosity. They have to get some place nobody’s ever been.”

— John Glenn